Yihuan Zhao

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Birthplace: Shanghai, China

Instrument: Violin

Age I started studying my instrument:  6 years old

How did you choose your instrument? My father is a violin professor so he started me on the violin.

Education: Shanghai Conservatory of Music and USC

Favorite composers: Mozart

What’s on my iPod: Everything from Symphony, Opera, Concertos to Rap, Pop and Jazz.

Your favorite weekend: Spending time with my daughter at the museums

My Favorite books are:  Chinese Classic Literature

My Favorite movies are: Alfred Hitchcock movies

My favorite food is:  Steak

My favorite cartoon character or superhero is: Batman because he got to drive the Bat-mobile.

A fun fact about me is: I like to play card games and interested in all sports.

What is unique about Santa Cecilia Orchestra? The Santa Cecilia Orchestra is the only local orchestra I know to really reach out to local schools and encourage the students to attend all the concerts.