Welcome to the new Santa Cecilia Orchestra website!

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the new Santa Cecilia Orchestra website! You will find links to our exciting season of upcoming concerts. You can also find links to all our social media where we can stay in touch.

One thing that is new to our website is this blog. I hope to use it to stay in touch with all of you and give you updates on what we’re doing at the orchestra. We’ll give you some insight into our world and my world. I will post regularly, so make sure to come back and check for a new blog. Want a reminder? Like us on Facebook where I will post a notice reminding you that there is a new blog post.

Speaking of my world…. I have the great honor of performing with great musicians in our orchestra. I’d like you to meet them too! We added a new section where you will meet the musicians in our orchestra through a fun questions & answer page. This week you’ll find yours truly, as well as concertmaster Yi-Huan Zhao and Salpy Kerkonian, our principal flute. Check them out!

I hope you all had a great summer! I had a wonderful one. I traveled to Europe with my husband and son. We spent time in Paris, London, Rome and Munich. Day after day we discovered great museums and had the pleasure of seeing great art. As you will see in my “Meet the Musicians” Q & A, I have a case of wanderlust, so traveling is one of my favorite things to do! Below find a few pictures from my travels.


Fall: A Season of Expectations